Corso di Makeup


Alcuni degli Attori Truccati
Russell Crowe, Morgan Freeman, Anthony Hopkins, Keanu Reeves, Antonio Banderas Sandra Bullock, Sharon Stone, Liam Neeson, Meg Ryan, Matthew Mc Conaughey, Colin Firth, Emily Watson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, David Bowie, Sting, Tim Roth, Christian Bale, Rupert Everett, Debra Winger, Joe Pesci, Sergio Castellitto, Richard Harris, Harvey Keitel, Giancarlo Giannini, Jessica Lange, Robert Duvall, Kathy Bates, Philippe Noiret, Burt Lancaster, Willem Dafoe, Donald Sutherland, Ben Gazzarra, Monica Bellucci, Stefania Sandrelli, Sir Laurence Olivier,Vittorio Gassman, Marcello Mastroianni.
Alcuni dei Registi con cui ha collaborato
Ridley Scott, Pupi Avati, Ferzan Ozpetek, Marc Forster, Giuseppe Tornatore, Silvio Muccino, Catherine Hardwick, Brian De Palma, Walter Salles, Sergio Castellitto, Martin Scorsese, Taylor Hackford, Gabriele Salvatores, Martin Scorsese, David Lynch, Franco Zeffirelli, Ettore Scola.
- 2022 L’ombra di Caravaggio (makeup designer)
- 2021 Boundless (TV series) (makeup designer, 4 episodi)
- 2021 Untitles Project Icon (TV Mini-Series) (makeup department head)
- 2020 L’incredibile storia dell’Isola delle Rose (makeup designer)
- 2019 Kingdoms of Fire (TV Series) (makeup designer)
- 2019 Il Nome della Rosa (TV Series) (makeup department head)
- 2018 I fratelli Sisters (makeup department head)
- 2018 Beirut (makeup department head)
- 2018 The Happy Prince - L'ultimo ritratto di Oscar Wilde (key makeup artist)
- 2016 Pastarelle (Short) (special makeup effects artist)
- 2016 Ben-Hur (makeup designer)
- 2016 The Young Messiah (makeup designer)
- 2014 Gli uccisori (Short) (makeup artist)
- 2014 The Red Tent (TV Mini-Series) (makeup designer)
- 2014 Exodus - Dei e re (makeup artist)
- 2014 Un ragazzo d'oro (make up artist mrs sharon stone)
- 2014 Una donna per amica (makeup department head)
- 2013 L'ultima ruota del carro (makeup department head)
- 2013 World War Z (makeup artist - uncredited)
- 2013 La migliore offerta (makeup department head)
- 2011 Se sei così ti dico sì (key makeup artist) / (makeup department head)
- 2011 C'è chi dice no (key makeup artist) / (makeup department head)
- 2010 Un altro mondo (makeup department head)
- 2010 Love Ranch (makeup designer)
- 2009 Mi ricordo Anna Frank (TV Movie) (makeup artist)
- 2009 Christine Cristina (makeup department head)
- 2009 Doc West (TV Movie) (key makeup artist - 2009)
- 2009 Pane e libertà (TV Movie) (makeup department head)
- 2008 I demoni di San Pietroburgo (makeup designer)
- 2008 Parlami d'amore (makeup artist)
- 2006 Nativity (makeup designer)
- 2006 La sconosciuta (special makeup effects artist)
- 2006 Black Dahlia (special makeup effects artist)
- 2004 Non ti muovere (special makeup effects artist)
- 2004 I diari della motocicletta (special makeup effects artist)
- 2003 Ferrari (TV Movie) (key make up)
- 2002 Giulio Cesare (TV Movie) (makeup artist: Mr. Harris)
- 2002 Gangs of New York (makeup artist)
- 2002 Equilibrium (makeup artist: Italy)
- 2002 Avenging Angelo - Vendicando Angelo (makeup artist)
- 2002 Nowhere (makeup artist: Mr. Keitel)
- 2000 Rapimento e riscatto (key makeup artist) / (makeup designer)
- 2000 Vipera (makeup artist)
- 2000 Padre Pio (TV Movie) (makeup artist)
- 2000 U-571 (key makeup artist) / (makeup designer)
- 1999 Titus (key makeup artist) / (makeup department head)
- 1998 La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano (makeup artist)
- 1997 Cartoni animati (makeup department head)
- 1997 The Eighteenth Angel (supervising makeup artist)
- 1997 L'avvocato del diavolo (makeup supervisor)
- 1996 The Man Who Captured Eichmann (TV Movie) (duvall's hair/makeup)
- 1995 Caramelle (Short) (makeup artist)
- 1995 Un giorno da ricordare (key makeup artist)
- 1995 L'ultima eclissi (supervising makeup artist)
- 1993 Ricordando Hemingway (additional makeup artist)
- 1993 Abramo (TV Mini-Series) (makeup Mr. R. Harris)
- 1993 Il giovane Mussolini (TV Mini-Series) (key makeup artist)
- 1992 Maledetto il giorno che t'ho incontrato (makeup department head)
- 1991 Rossini! Rossini! (makeup department head)
- 1991 La carne (makeup department head)
- 1991 Mediterraneo (makeup artist) / (makeup department head)
- 1991 L'avvoltoio può attendere (key hair stylist)
- 1990 L'africana (makeup artist)
- 1989 La bottega dell'orefice (head makeup artist)
- 1989 'O re (makeup department head)
- 1988 Nosferatu a Venezia (makeup artist)
- 1988 L'ultima tentazione di Cristo (makeup artist)
- 1987 Treasure of the Moon Goddess (makeup department head)
- 1987 Il ventre dell' architetto (assistant makeup artist) / (makeup artist)
- 1987 Un ragazzo di Calabria (makeup artist)
- 1987 Il generale (TV Mini-Series) (makeup department head - 4 episodes)
- - Episode #1.4 (1987) ... (makeup department head)
- - Episode #1.3 (1987) ... (makeup department head)
- - Episode #1.2 (1987) ... (makeup department head)
- - Episode #1.1 (1987) ... (makeup department head)
- 1986 Salomè di Oscar Wilde (makeup artist)
- 1985 Alien - Zona di guerra (key makeup artist)
- 1985 Io e il duce (TV Series) (assistant makeup artist)
- 1984 Dune (makeup artist)
- 1984 Conan il distruttore (makeup artist)
- 1983 Donna sola (makeup artist)
- 1983 State buoni se potete (makeup artist)
- 1982 La traviata (makeup artist)
- 1982 Monsignore (makeup artist)
- 1982 Il mondo nuovo (makeup artist)
- 1982 Lo squartatore di New York (makeup artist)
- 1981 Nudo di donna (makeup artist)
- 1981 Il turno (makeup artist)
- 1977 In nome del papa re (makeup artist)